Saturday, April 16, 2011

Last night's card

I was up late last night watching tv..this is what I came up with. I think it's still missing something so I plan on adding a tag later on when I decide what I'm going to use it for.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today is my dad's birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!

As you may have guessed, my dad is a golfer..hence the golf shirt :) Recently, while on vacation, he shot his lowest score in years! YEY DAD!

(I took the idea for this card from Jheri Lynn Drover...Thanks Jheri!)

I also made this card..wish I had some So Safron card stock for the background..but I ran out :( I love the elephants! (sorry, I didn't take the best picture)


I want to whine a little here..

I woke up this morning to my alarm tell me that there was snow on my commute. SNOW!

I live on the west coast of British is NOT supposed to snow in April (well at least not in the area I live in). EVER.

Granted by the time I got to where the snow was supposed to had melted off the roads..but is that the point? It still snowed!!

I should be breaking out the shorts...instead..we're chopping wood for the fire husband is chopping wood for the fireplace.

Anyways...I'll quit whining..but it better not snow tomorrow! >:(

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New Desk

So we went and checked out that desk my hubby found online...and it looked good for what I wanted it for. Turns out we knew the fellow who was selling he came over and helped set it up.

I spent last night moving my craft stuff downstairs and rearranging. It's not ideal...and certainly not as fabulous as most I've seen on other people's blogs but it is WAY better than having it at my dining room table and having to pack everything up all the time.

So I've invaded the "man cave" as my son like's to call it. But, like I said he's rarely home these now it's the ....I'm not sure what to call it.."woman's den" doesn't sound about "craft cove"? LOL

Anyways it's set up pretty good, everything is with in reach, and I face the big screen T.V so I can watch all my shows YEY!

Here's a picture

I still have a few things to do...but so far I'm liking the change :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Results

Okay, it's Sunday, April 10th. I'm not sure who I was kidding when I set all these "lofty" goals for my weekend.

Today is my baby boy/first born's 19th birthday. I have some serious mixed feelings about today. I look back on the last 19 years and think time has just flown by! Wasn't it just yesterday we were singing along to Barney and Dudley the Dragon? When did he get so big? What happened to those chubby cheeks? When did he go from being cute to handsome?? He used to love hanging around with I can barely get him to stop by the house **SIGH**

To celebrate his birthday, we all got together with Papa and Gramma (P&G - My parents) for dinner. We made him wear a silly paper button that said "it's by birthday, Who's buying"..and had all his loud singing birthday cards opened up...He gets this little sheepish grin on his face...he's embarrassed..but he loves it too.

So here's a picture of my birthday's one of my's from a couple years ago...

Seee I TOLD you he was handsome :)

ANYHOOO..on with how my weekend plan went

* Laundry - a gazillion loads washed, dried AND folded
* Floors - vacuumed and washed
* Dishes - done and put away
* Stove - pulled out and cleaned behind - yuck :(
* New Craft area - found..and cleaned's in the "man cave" YIKES
* New desk for new craft area - found - going to look at it tomorrow...looks promising :)
* Run - epic fail..didn't even seriously consider going..its POURING OUT!
* Cards - didn't even begin...but I did organize my supplies a little better..does that count??
* Sleep - went to bed somewhat early last night..didn't really do my regular sleep in either morning...getting ready for bed tooo bad.

Overall, I think I did pretty good. I'm happy with the house and with my craft area plans.

I hope you all had a great weekend and are rested and ready to face another crazy week!